In our comparison of 1 & 1 vs. GoDaddy web hosting we found that both companies provide much more than just web hosting. Many web hosting companies offer one or more shared hosting packages and some offer shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting but both of 1&1 and GoDaddy offer a few web hosting package options for both Linux and Windows web hosting for their shared, VPS, and dedicated web hosting.
Besides web hosting both companies also offer many other services that compliment webhosting such as domains, email, eCommerce, and business solutions. Both companies also service several million customers. For some this may be a pro and for some this may be a con. 1&1 was started in 1988 and GoDaddy in 1997.

1&1 offers 24/7 toll free support as well as email customer support. 1&1 also provides green web hosting saving 30,000 tons of CO2 emissions per year. They also offer a 90 day money back guarantee.
Because both companies have so many different web hosting services we are just comparing one of their shared web hosting packages 1&1's $4.99 plan to GoDaddy's $6.99 plan. Both packages have aTON of features so we are choosing to just highlight a few main features.
1,200 Email Accounts
10 FTP Accounts
120 GB Disk Space
1,200 GB Monthly Transfer Volume
100 Subdomains
Host 50 External Domains
24/7 Toll-free Support
500 Email Accounts
50 FTP Users
150 GB Disk Space
1,500 GB Monthly Data Transfer
Unlimited Subdomains
Unlimited External Domains
Not a Toll-free 24/7 Inhouse Telephone Support
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