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Traffic is exposure. If no one knows how to find your website or blog, then you will only be showing off your great site to friends and family. Page optimization refers to search engine optimization techniques used directly in the construction of web pages. And SEO is more than just engine optimization, it’s about optimizing the page for human readers. If you really do that, serch engines will be glad with that. Even as traditional SEO identifies a keyword density of 2-7% as being optimal for on page optimization, changes in Google’s search engine operations indicate that a density of only 1-2% may be preferable (and readable). Create a list of words that can be used as search terms relating to your topic and use them in different places throughout your site. Latent Semantic Index powered by Google (LSI)algorithm will also reward you for the use of similar phrases. Keywords do not necessarily have to be restricted to the content of your page. Keywords need to be emphasized in page titles. A search engine recognizes your page content based heavily on the words you choose to utilize in your page titles. Without using keywords in the title pages, one must have many outside links that point to the specific page to increase web traffic. Keywords, when being integrated into your titles, should be placed as near the beginning of the title as is possible, but ensure that it is easily comprehended. It is important to have a page title for optimal results, as this becomes the link associated with the page in the search engine results. Be sure that every page of your website has a short page title using the most important keywords for the page. Keep in mind that search engines will only display set numbers of characters in each search result. Generally speaking, it is enough to only use a keyword once in a title - to use the keyword two or three times is repetitive. Meta tags is a term you may read about when reading about “on page optimization” but because it was widely abused by spam, search engines don’t acknowledge them. There are very few SEO professionals who continue to depend on meta tags for web page optimization. If you decide to go ahead, make sure you only use meta keywords and descriptions so that these words and phrases show up on the page and are not going to be considered spam. Links from your site to other related pages will also enhance the popularity of your search engine. Consequently, it is imperative that the links provided are real and sent to sites with similar content that adds value to the visitors. Page optimization is not hard to institute and given that you offer the visitors to your site excellent and relevant content, it will largely benefit the success you will have with the search engines.
Monitoring your use of keywords is important, as well as making sure your website’s content is indispensable. Stay away from keyword stuffing for it not only makes your website appear to be unintelligent and unprofessional but because search engines have caught on they penalize for the overuse of keywords. The goal is using keywords realistically and prudently. Keywords are often solely used to attract web search traffic.
It’s a tough task to choose a web hosting service provider. The most difficult thing during this process is not to find a cheapest one but how to find a reliable web hosting solution which won’t put your online business in risk. One effective method to make your way through the puzzle is to consult web hosting provider reviews. 1) Nothing can be more important than the customer service of a web hosting vendor. A worse support can hurt all the effort on your site. Usually, the people who get poor or great support would like to share their experience. Don’t miss this part of message from a review site, and try to avoid signing up with those with bad customer review. 2) Another great thing is that you can already find you have a new choice when reading the product review. Some reviews site also provides a tools for you to compare the features of different web hosting solution to help you make a better choice. But should you fully trust what are in web hosting reviews, below are something you should keep in mind when reading those reviews. 1) Some professional reviews are not the true review. They affiliate the web hosting products and write very good review for the product to attract you to purchase the products. There are many this types of site but usually are small sites since they tend to more focus on the short term benefit instead of the long term earning. 2) Customers review could be fake. Web Hosting is probably one of the most competitive business online. There are many cases that web hosting companies hire people to write good review for their own and bad review for their competitors. So, when reading the review, try to get the message from the big web hosting review sits, they have many ways to avoid fake and maintain objective reviews for a web hosting solutions. Want to know more about web hosting, please refer to web hosting review and webmaster tutorials from affordable web hosting. About the Author And you can contact if you have any question about this article
There are many places you can find the web hosting review. They could be the reviews from the professional editors, or the reviews from their customers. The most important messages you should look at from a web hosting review site are the customer service and the comparison between different solutions.
Sean.Ray is an expert on online business. He has more than 10 years working experience of guiding people to create their own online business. webhostingclue.comis his web site where he shares the knowledge about how to find appropriate web hosting solution for a small online business and promote it online.

It really sounds easy and if one already knows how to design or build a website, it’s much easier needing only a web hosting service to put the contents up and running. There are actually a lot of web hosting service providers nowadays, but they can be somewhat summed up into two types; the paid and the free web hosting service. The type of web hosting necessary depends on the content to be placed on the web.

Having recorded the most successful sunrise phase with a 90% success rate and over 30,000 trademarked domains registered, .ASIA now estimates to be the most profitable investment available in a market where every conceivable domain name has been procured.
With 3 Asian countries ranking amongst the top 5 Countries in terms of Internet Usage, and Asian Internet users growing by almost 350% every year, Asia is surely heading towards being the Mecca of the Internet Industry very soon; placing .ASIA as the most valuable gTLD available today.

ASIA Landrush process:
The .ASIA Landrush will take place from 20th Feb to 12th March, 2008. The .ASIA registry is following the auction model for domains that will receive more than one application during the Landrush period. So, in case any of your Domains get multiple applications, they can claim ownership of the concerned Domain by placing the highest bid for it.
All Domain applications processed through aalpha NET are guaranteed a reversal on the application charge, in case the outcome of the auction process is not in your favour. This means, that if you doesn’t end up registering a Domain that you applied for, the entire amount will be refunded . This way, you can safely apply for as many Domains as they want, without having to pay for a Domain that they will not end up buying! Since most providers are charging an application fee irrespective of whether the Domain is registered or no, this is definitely something that will make us ahead of our competitors.
Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to be able to buy a domain name for about $10 from a domain name registrar.
What you do after you buy the domain name is the 64,000 question, because most people have a tendency to not be entirely sure what to do next.

At a minimum, your goal should be to earn back your $10 domain name investment before you have to renew it again in about a year. This isn’t terribly difficult to do, IF you follow my advice.
1) You need to drive targeted traffic to your domain name. That’s critical. No traffic, no money. Sure, you can try to sell the domain name on an auction site, but it’s unlikely that you’ll find any buyers given the fact that you’re probably trying to sell a domain name that’s not really very memorable or notable.
2) Once you start driving targeted traffic to your domain name, you need a way to make money. You should setup a website so that whenever someone clicks on a link containing your domain name, the visitor is presented with relevant advertisements and/or a reasonably relevant product menu. This is typically what I do.
Remember, your goal is to earn at least $10 within 12 months, and that works out to about 0.84 cents PER MONTH!
About the Author
Nathan Falkner recently purchased a decorative foil related domain name and is revitalizing it using the techniques outlined in this articles.